Order of rows in recovered tables may differ from the original order.
Database rebuilding batch is generated automatically.Recovers partly damaged records, storing them in a separate batch file.Recovers deleted records and saves them in a separate SQL script.Recovers SQL Server 2008 sparse columns.Recovers primary keys, unique key, indexes (including "IGNORE_DUP_KEY", "CLUSTERED", "STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE", "FILLFACTOR"), foreign keys.Recovers predefined defaults, default values, rules, constrain "CHECKS", user data types ("Allow null", "default", "rule").Recovers tables, stored procedures, views.Recovers Microsoft SQL Server backups for all versions.bak) and creates a SQL script with recovered database structure and data Processes a corrupted Microsoft SQL server database file (.mdf.
Please note that database should be recovered on the same computer where the original database is located
Recovers SQL Server 2008 filestream data type.Recovers SQL Server 2005, 2008 compressed data (types ROW, RAGE).Recovers compressed backups of SQL Server 2008.Supports SQL Server 2008 encrypted files.Supports SCSU (The Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode).